KOL HAKOVOD Jonah, we appreciate and respect all you do. Be well. Pat and doc
Janet And Ira Grosser
Shimmy + Jessica Pianko and Fam!
Go, Jonah, Go! So proud of our dear Lello and his commitment to this incredible organization and the journey of a lifetime. We love you!!!!
Linda and Ben Kaufman
Kol Hakavod to Jonah Adelsberg for participating in this important event!
Judith and Jeffrey Saltiel
Congratulations on undertaking such a worthy mission. No matter how you place, you are already a winner!
Bryan And Hindy Denenberg
Michelle And David Margules
We love ya, Jonah, miss you, and are always impressed with your daringness to do good.
Richard J Klinkowitz
Robin And Howard Adelberg
Keep those pedals moving! We are very proud of you! Love you, Mommy and Daddy
Ruth E. Bernstein
Go for it!!!
Kira and Sam Senders, NYSM
Joseph And Gail Sturm
Wishing you much success!
You are our hero!
Elly and Suzy
William J. Dubanevich
Awesome work!!
Kol hakavod!!! Betty and Owen
Gabriele Marano LLP
Dan And Ruchie Scher
So proud of you Jonah!
Woodmere mah jong women
tzku lmitzvot
Georgene R Winick
Kol Hakavod on this great mission!!!
Toda Raba for leading the way. Yasher Koach. Shalom Connie & Carl
Thank you for all your efforts in behalf of this brave community.
Barak and Devorah Schwartz
Would love a souvenir
Leslie Lowenstein
Good Luck Jonah!
Limor and David Decter
Wishing you luck and success Jonah
Good luck Jonah! Great cause
Micha & Lesley Zwick
Israela And Stephen Perlitsh
Barbara Levkovich
Mordechai And Daphne Stern
Michael E. Greenspan
It is an honor to support you in this cause, Jonah.
Phyllis & Elliot Denenberg
Doniel Klinkowitz
Good luck, such a worthy cause.
Peter & Lori May
Dear Jonah,
Wishing you success on your journey with The Next Step. We are very proud of you!
Marcia & Howard Ganin
Yaffa & Yehuda Klinkowitz
Kol Ha Kavod! Enjoy the ride! Great Cause!
great cause
Noa Dar and Sahar Vacnich
Good luck, Jonah!
Mordechai Ginsparg
Hatzlacha Raba
BH my dude. wish I could join you on this one
Monique & Jonathan Hagler
Moshe And Chavi Schmell
Greg And Ariana Lapushin
Let’s do this. You got this Jonah
Greg and Ariana Lapushin
Keep up the good work!!
Lori and Roy Hoffmann
Phyllis And David Goldberg
Robin Carol Denenberg-Cohen
Kol HaKavod Jonah!